
Ambassadors Football Mozambique is a nonprofit ministry existing to serve the nation through the vehicle of football. Focusing on rising and equipping young talents in their God-given abilities.

Our vision is to promote football practice, in all national territory equally to all races, tribes, languages, cultures, and colors.

We seek to serve society by training and equipping leaders to develop their communities in all areas of development; social, emotional, spiritual, economic, and physical.

We are people with a Football vocation and we use the following ways to reach our goals:

  • Football Clubs
  • Clinics
  • TREC Course (Training Resourcing Equipping Churches/Coaches)
  • Tournaments
  • Academies
  • Camps


Phone Numbers
+258 842496629
+258 827367183

Contact Email
[email protected]

Endereço: Av. Maria de Lurdes Mutola
Bairro de Magoanine “A” Q1 Casa noo 183

You can support our work in Mozambique and help us bring more smiles as we nurture talent.