Our Story

With the median age in Africa being 19.5 years according to the United Nations, the need for a father figure cannot be understated. While there may be a high population of young people, the number of father figures in their lives is at a minimum. In South Africa alone, only 37% of children were living under the same roof as their fathers according to the South African Institute of Race Relations. Kenyan women have a 59.5% chance of being single mothers according to a Pan African research done by two Canadian Sociologists.

Fatherlessness Is A Worldwide Issue With Statistics From The US Department Of Health Showing

63% of youth suicides
90% of all homeless and runaway children
85% of all children who show behavioral disorders
80% of rapists with anger problems
71% of all high school dropouts
75% of adolescent patients in chemical abuse centres
85% of youths in prison
71% of pregnant teenagers
63% of youth suicides

We believe that a father plays such a crucial role in the development of a child’s life. A good father establishes a healthy and loving authority, communicates a confident personal identity, and provides a secure environment for his child to grow.

We want to change these unfortunate statistics and ensure that the youth in Africa grow up with a father figure in their lives. While we cannot physically be present in all homes, we believe that the most popular sport in the continent can play a big part in bringing change.

To achieve this, we seek to raise up FATHER FIGURE COACHES across Africa. We believe a coach has an amazing opportunity to step up and fill a father’s void. The coach works with players where they love to be, often at the perfect age and repeatedly, over a long period of time – creating an ideal setting for positive influence and affecting change.

Players coached by a father figure develop healthy self-esteem, learn to make wise decisions, have a positive outlook on life and a solid foundation to build their life on. This leads to breaking the cycle of fatherlessness, and these players grow up and become positive fathers/father figures, mothers, and role models themselves.

A coach may not be the physical father, but male and female coaches can play a key role in raising a Godly generation.

“A coach will impact more people in a year than the average person will in a lifetime.”
Billy Graham